Acrobatic Gymnastics

Acrogym is a combination of acrobatic balance/dynamic elements, dance, flexibility, and tumbling. This new gymnastics sport is practiced in small groups of 2 to 4 people. Important elements within acrogym are strength, flexibility, collaboration, and courage. As you can see, acrogym is not that easy! Fortunately, at Voorwaarts, we offer acrogym at every level. Whether you’re starting with learning a somersault or can already do flips, everyone is welcome!

The competitive athletes in the acro group have earned numerous regional and national titles. There is a good balance between fun and performance.

Sounds good? You can always sign up for a trial lesson with the recreational group.

Acrogym recreational training

Date / Time Coach Location Waiting List
Saturday 12:00 – 13:30
Limited spots

On the “Coaches” page, you’ll find an overview of the coaches.

I want to start with acrobatic gymnastics!

Does acrobatic gymnastics appeal to you? Then come and join us for some sports fun!


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